


  • FERPA是一部联邦法律
  • 也被称为巴克利修正案
  • 保护学生教育记录的隐私
  • Applies to all educational agencies or institutions that receive funds under any program administered by the Secretary of Education

所有要求访问包含学生记录的系统的员工(例如.e. My记录, Banner) are required to have training in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 经修订(FERPA). 


  • 记录:书法, 打印, 电脑, 录像带, 录音, 电影, 缩微胶片, microfiche or e-mail of an institution that contain information directly related to the student and are maintained by an agency or institution or party acting in its behalf.
  • 教育记录 包括但不限于:
    • 学术
    • 住房
    • 金融援助
    • 学生账户
    • 纪律档案(非执法记录)


  • 记录/notes in sole possession of maker not accessible or revealed to any other person except a temporary substitute
  • 医疗和咨询记录
  • 不以学生身份为条件的就业记录, 但有关纪录只会用于有关该名人士的受雇事宜
  • 由执法单位创建和保存的仅用于该目的的记录, 只向同一司法管辖区的执法机构披露, 而且执法部门也无权查看教育记录
  • 个人在不再是学生时获得的信息(如.e.(校友记录),并且与作为学生的个人无关


". . . information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.(1988年《菲律宾十大网赌网站》)


  • 社会安全号码或学生证号码
  • 比赛
  • 种族
  • 国籍
  • 性别

请参阅康考迪亚大学目录信息,了解可以发布的项目. 在发布任何信息之前, 向注册办公室查询那些有目录的人. 


  • NO -如果学生要求保留目录信息, 除法律规定外,不得在CUI之外发布任何信息, 或者给CUI内部任何不需要知道的人.
  • 是的 -如果学生没有要求保留目录信息.



  • 学生全名
  • 本地地址
  • 电子邮件地址
  • 永久地址
  • 电话号码:本地 & 永久
  • 出生日期和地点
  • 主修领域
  • 所获学位及奖项
  • 出席日期
  • 最近就读的学校
  • 分类,包括身份(全职,兼职等.)
  • 参加官方认可的活动和十大正规赌平台平台
  • 运动员的体重和身高

Please note that class schedule is not open directory information and cannot be released to anyone at Concordia University that does not have a "need to know" or to anyone outside of the University except as provided by law.


  • FERPA gives certain rights to parents regarding their children's educational records.
  • Rights transfer to the student upon reaching 18 years of age OR attending any school beyond the secondary level.


  • Concordia University does not request parental tax forms and therefore does not release non-directory information to parents. 请让您的儿子或女儿请求您所寻求的信息.


  • 家长只有在学生愿意发布信息的情况下才能访问.
  • 学生必须填写FERPA释放表格. Please contact the 司法常务官办公室 directly by visiting the office on the first floor of Grimm Hall north.



  • The student must request that information be withheld on or before census day for regular terms, 一月迷你学期的第二个上课日, 或者在夏季学期开始前完成一份 请求防止目录信息泄露 表单以防止目录信息泄露.
  • A directory hold will be put on the academic record whenever the student requests it during the semester; however, we cannot be responsible for any information released after the above dates but prior to receipt of form in the 注册商's Office.
  • The directory hold remains in effect until the student requests in writing that it be removed.

All screens in Banner should display "CONFIDENTIAL" if a directory hold has been placed.


  • 家长提交的财务信息
  • 在1975年1月1日前将机密信件和推荐信放在学生档案中
  • 机密信件等., 与录取有关, 就业, job placement or honors to which a student has waived rights of inspection and review
  • Educational records containing information about other students such as grades, test scores, etc.



  • 拥有合法教育权益的学校员工
  • 学生申请或打算入学的其他学校
  • 认证机构
  • 为或代表大学进行某些研究的组织
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student to determine eligibility, 经济援助的数额或条件, 或者执行援助的条款和条件
  • 父母 when a student over 18 is still a dependent (see additional information under parental rights)
  • 美国政府的一些官员说. S. 教育部, 总审计长, 以及州和地方教育当局, 与审计有关, 美国的授权代表. S. Attorney General for law enforcement purposes or state or federally supported education programs
  • 获得司法命令或传票的个人
  • School officials who have a need to know concerning disciplinary action taken against a student
  • Appropriate parties who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies when necessary to protect the health and safety of the student and/or others
  • State and local authorities, within the juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law
  • Alleged victim of a crime of violence that results of a disciplinary proceeding with respect to that crime
  • 未满21岁学生的父母或法定监护人, 关于任何违反大学政策或州的信息, 联邦或地方法律, 管制酒或受管制物质的使用或占有的
  • Those requesting directory information on a student provided the student has not requested his or her information be withheld


1. 每年以书面形式通知在读学生FERPA规定的权利.

  • 要求修改或更正教育记录的权利
  • Right to have some control over the disclosure of information from education records except when release is permitted by law
  • 有权向家庭政策合规办公室提出投诉, 美国教育部, 在涉嫌违规的180天内
  • Since CUI has a policy of disclosing personally identifiable information to school officials:
    • 决定学校官员的标准
    • 对什么构成合法教育利益的描述

Student rights are published in the Catalog each year under "Public Information Policy and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act."

2. 允许学生或家长查阅教育记录(如适用).

  • 学生 and former students have the right to inspect and review their education records through established procedures.
  • 在收到书面要求后最多45天内.
  • Institution or agency is not required to provide a copy of the education record unless failure to do so would deny access.
  • 如果请求处于待处理状态,则不能销毁记录.
  • 可以收取费用,除非费用禁止访问.
  • 学生 and former students have the right to review records of requests for disclosure of their personally identifiable information.
  • Institution needs to maintain records of requests and make them available to students.


As of December 31, 1996, an institution is no longer required to have a written institutional policy.


  • CUI在CUI大学手册中有书面政策,政策号. 481.2
  • CUI notifies students of their rights under FERPA during fall and spring registration, 在CUI目录中


  • 诉讼
  • 失去联邦资助
  • 根据《十大正规赌平台平台》被判轻罪
  • Confinement in the county jail not to exceed 6 months or fine not to exceed $1,000 or both
  • 解雇/失业


还记得 . . .当你有疑问的时候,不要说出来!

  • You may not log in under other users account or share your My记录 Account information with anyone else.
  • 教练! 只有您作为记录讲师可以访问您的班级信息. 任何时候都不能打工学习, aide or anyone else not affiliated with the course access student data through My记录.
    • Instructional Aid be may added to your Blackboard as a grading assistant; however, 在任何时候,你都不应该分享你的ID和密码.
  • If you have any questions on what you can or cannot release, call the 注册商's Office (x3081).


有关FERPA的更多信息,请访问 家庭政策遵从处
